2006-09-19 09:37 来源: 作者:网上车市 编辑:网上车市 动感互联观致3五门版
Tel:010-96096568-830 Fax:010-62303130 E-mail:research@cheshi.com.cn
Based on the sequential survey more than seven years in the China vehicle market, CHESHI.COM website will publish a report named Weekly Auto Price Track to the public on Jun.1, 2006. The report is based on the weekly survey of hundreds of dealers in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin and Guangdong, etc. The report tracks MSRP, retail price and price changes of main passenger cars every week. By the price tracking system, CHESHI.COM is responsible for the data correctness.
The report can serve for multinational corporations of automotive industry, investment banks, research institutes and government. The report can help users to analyze the price trend of the rivals to make decisions such as price policy and investment policy. CHESHi.COM receives clients’ approval after they get our data or services.
The report will be published in Chinese and English version once a week. If the report can’t satisfy you, CHESHI.COM can provide special consulting service in correlative research fields according to your requirements. Welcome to contact us.
Tel:010-96096568-830 Fax:010-62303130 E-mail:research@cheshi.com.cn
Tracking models:Basic Passenger Car
(编辑 网上车市)
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