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2012-03-06 19:17 来源:网上车市  作者:孔庆熙  编辑:莫健恩  


18年来,沃尔沃始终大力支持沃尔沃中国公开赛。与国内其他职业赛事不同的是,尽管没有哗众取宠的巨额奖金与球星出场费,但沃尔沃中国公开赛是中国唯一一 个以国家命名的高尔夫职业赛事,其设立资格赛的机制与以世界排名为主的参赛资格甄选,让每位优秀的球员都有机会加入,是真正意义上的中国国家高尔夫球公开锦标赛,其地位无可取代。2010年,沃尔沃盛事管理公司与公开赛主办方中高协再次续约5年冠名赞助合同,表明了沃尔沃对推动中国高尔夫运动发展的长期承诺。

在谈到之所以选择天津举办本届公开赛,艾瑞森指出有两大原因,一是因为天津本身是一个充满经济活力的城市,二是因为天津滨海湖高尔夫球会是一个非常好的球 场。天津滨海湖高尔夫球场由世界著名球场设计大师皮特•戴(Pete Dye)担纲设计,球场依水而建,地形变化自然,球道起伏浑然天成。艾瑞森非常看好天津滨海湖高尔夫球场,“天津滨海湖球场将比以往的公开赛举办场地更具 挑战性,尤其是当风比较大的时候。”

艾瑞森同时宣布,国际上最受欢迎、最具才华的高尔夫球手之一伊恩•保尔特(Ian Poulter)已确认参加本届公开赛。这位世界排名第27的英格兰球星,去年五月在沃尔沃世界比洞锦标赛中,他在西班牙击败了卢克•唐纳德(Luke Donald),捧起了转为职业球员后的第14座奖杯。“第一次参加沃尔沃中国公开赛我感到非常兴奋。今年是沃尔沃中国公开赛的18周年,再加上中国是如 此独特的地方,让这次参赛变得更为特殊。”保尔特说。

而早先已确认参赛的保尔特的同胞——世界排名25位的保罗•凯西(Paul Casey)欲重演其早年在中国的辉煌。现年34岁的保罗•凯西自从2005年在沃尔沃中国公开赛夺冠之后,风头一时无两,连续赢得多个大赛冠军,一度荣 登欧巡赛排名首位。届时他将尝试改写历史,成为沃尔沃中国公开赛首位夺得两次冠军的球员。

沃尔沃中国公开赛卫冕冠军,比利时选手尼古拉斯•考赛茨(Nicolas Colsaerts)也于近日确认将参加本届公开赛。尼古拉斯•考赛茨在2012赛季伊始即取得了非常好的成绩,今年的头4场比赛有3次取得了前10名的 成绩,其中包括在沃尔沃高尔夫冠军赛上获得第4名,并以64杆的成绩打破了球场纪录。去年他在中国首次夺得欧巡赛冠军,对于重返福地感到非常兴奋,并表 示:“去年的获胜是我个人的巨大进步,我迫不及待地重返中国,体验一下卫冕冠军的感受,而且我总是能通过沃尔沃的比赛提升自己。我非常期待能成为第一个成 功卫冕这项赛事的前冠军。”


今年沃尔沃中国公开赛仍将是一届阵容强大的赛事。参赛的156名选手中,有60位来自世界排名前200名的球员,欧巡赛、同一亚洲以及中高协各占20个名 额,赞助商特邀4名,卫冕冠军1名,去年沃尔沃中国青少年冠军赛男子A组冠军1名以及欧巡赛外卡18名,剩余的12个名额将通过三站国内资格赛和一站国际 资格赛决出。


EAST MEETS WEST - Poulter Signs Up for the 2012 Volvo China Open

Golfing stars Ian Poulter and Nicolas Colsaerts today confirmed that they, along with 11-time winner on the European Tour Paul Casey, will compete in the 2012 Volvo China Open at Binhai Lake Golf Club in Tianjin, from 19th – 22nd April. With more star names still to be announced over the coming weeks, they are the latest additions to what will be the strongest field ever assembled for the event.

Defending champion, Belgium’s Nicolas Colsaerts, made an explosive start to his 2012 campaign with three top-10 finishes in his first four starts, including fourth place in the prestigious Volvo Golf Champions where he shot a course record 64. His maiden Tour victory in China last year means that he is thrilled to be returning in April. “Golf is really growing in China, and I think that my win last year was a huge step in the growth of my own game - I can’t wait to get back out there and feel what it is like to be defending champion, especially as I always seem to raise my game in Volvo’s tournaments. I would love to be the first player ever to successfully defend the title.”

Flamboyant Englishman Ian Poulter is another who is really looking forward to teeing it up at Binhai Lake. Having won last year’s Volvo World Match Play Championship to join Casey on eleven titles, he is keen to get more victories under his colourful belt. “I am delighted to be competing for this title for the first time, especially with Volvo’s terrific long-term commitment to the event. I think it’s something like their 18th year, and the fact that China is such a different and unique venue really makes it special.”

Paul Casey, who had already confirmed his participation, has been out of action so far this year following a shoulder injury. “I have always been made to feel most welcome and could see the potential of the Volvo China Open as a major national open championship when I won in 2005. It feels great to be fully fit again so that I can compete at Binhai Lake.” Casey returns to competitive action at the start of March giving him plenty of opportunity to build his game back up in time for the Volvo China Open.

Per Ericsson, President of Volvo Event Management, is more than happy about the way things are shaping up. “This event is growing and is already seen almost as a ‘Major’ in the region. As the field gets stronger each year, we are hopeful that in time this view will be shared globally. Over the next few weeks, we are looking forward to announcing more world-class golfers who will be taking part.”

The 18th staging of the Volvo China Open takes place from April 19th-22nd at the stunning Pete Dye-designed Binhai Lake Course near Tianjin, 130km south-east of Beijing. Volvo was the first western brand to engage with golf in China in 1995 and this will be Volvo’s 76th tournament on the European Tour. The prize fund is RMB 20 million, (approximately $3 million), with the champion picking up a cheque for RMB 3,3 million, (approximately $500,000). Volvo is organising the event together with China Golf Association and it is co-sanctioned by the European Tour and OneAsia.


主营: 沃尔沃 业务: 新车
电话: 0757-86200888 地址: 广东省佛山市南海区海八路华南汽车城G17号
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(编辑 莫健恩)



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